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Paintball 'Ells Bells (Ellie): SOLD TO AUSTRALIA

Update: after a very successful 2018/19 showing season with multiple wins and placings both in hand and under saddle, Ellie won the NZGCA high points award for both ridden, in hand and overall purebred Gypsy Cob.

Ellie had a stunning Black Tobiano colt by Westmoreland Cracker Jack in 2019 and 'Alfie" who has been sold to Serenity equine as a future stallion prospect. 

Ellie and Cracker Jack.

Ellie arrived in New Zealand at the end of November 2014. Tracy met Ellie on a UK trip in 2014. She was lucky enough to stay with Jacquie Bland from whom we bought Katie. Tracy met Ellie and fell in love. At the time she was not for sale, but became available on Tracy's return. We couldn't contact Jacquie quickly enough to see if she would let her come all the way out to NZ. 

Ellie is a beautiful black with a striking white face. She is out of the JH mare by Billy Gaskin (goes back to the Lob ). Breeding doesn't get much better than this. EMH about 13 hhs, delightful personality, buckets of straight silky feather, with excellent conformation and floating movement. As you can tell, we think she is fabulous.

And to top it off her birthday is 25 April- ANZAC day.

Ellie had a delightful black tobiano filly (Gallifray Lilith) on the 15th November 2015 and the following year had a gorgeous solid black colt- Gallifray Lucifer.

Cambridge A and P 2017:

 1st Purebred 4 yrs and over;

Champion purebred gyspy cob;

1st paced purebred;

2nd best mannered purebred.

1st combined pure or part under saddle, 1st combined pure or part paced and mannered under saddle

Waikato A and P 2017

1st Purebred adult GC inhand

1st paced and mannered

Reserve Champ GC inhand

Champ GC under saddle

1st paced and mannered under saddle

North Island All Breeds 2016

Grand Champion Gypsy Cob

Hawkes Bay Showing Champs 2015

Supreme GC

Champion purebred GC

1st in age section

1st paced purebred

North Island In-Hand Horse Show

Jan 2014. Champion purebred GC

Baby Ellie

Growing up

2 year old Ellie

Jim Holmes mare (dam)

Billy Gaskin (sire)


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